
The faces of the staff have been obscured to protect them from something, I guess

The photo is a slice of a larger one that graces the first page of a case study/news piece from an unnamed software company about the work they are doing with a partner for a retail furniture chain.

The piece itself is fine. Looks very polished. Has good information. But it all goes kablooey because there was obviously some issue with permissions for showing the faces of the two women that were part of the photo. Either they refused. The store refused. Or the work to get the permission wasn’t worth the bother.

My only other conclusions are that the two are in a witness protection program, or are really terrible at applying makeup.

My point – that little bit of Photoshop work to “hide” the identities completely kills the polish of the piece, and sets the wrong tone. Instead of wondering what this piece is all about, you’re left wondering what’s going on here???

You either use the photo as planned, or get another. This was a bad compromise.

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